Registered Charity No: 1163868

BCL Phone

Car & Minibus bookings: 01482 868082

Serving Beverley, Cottingham, Pocklington, Market Weighton and surrounding areas

Fundraise for Us

With the help of our wonderful volunteers, we organise many and varied fundraising events throughout the year.

Our recent events have included; an afternoon tea party; a coffee morning at Toll Gavel church in Beverley; a 24-hour Singathon; and some very brave volunteers did a skydive from 15,000 feet!

We are always looking for new volunteers to give as much or as little time as they can. Your fresh ideas help us to put the 'fun' into fundrasing!

If you would like to get involved and help us to raise much-needed funds, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Perhaps you would like to join our 'Friends' of Beverley Community Lift. This is an active, and supportive group of volunteers who come together to assist with our fundraising events. From running our 'Teddy Tombola' to baking cakes for our coffee mornings, the Friends are a vital way for our charity to raise funds, and it's a great way for new volunteers to make new friends!

By volunteering, you can make a real difference, as all proceeds help us to take lonely and isolated elderly and disabled people out and about.

If you can help our fundraising efforts, please call us on 01482 868082.

Our Sponsors

© Beverley Community Lift 2025. Registered charity No: 1163868 Website designed and built by indicoll
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