Registered Charity No: 1163868

BCL Phone

Car & Minibus bookings: 01482 868082

Serving Beverley, Cottingham, Pocklington, Market Weighton and surrounding areas

How can we help you? - Tel 01482 868082

Our Services

Car Service

Our caring, volunteer drivers will take you where you want to go, look after you and bring you home again. Most people use this service for medical appointments but you could also use it to visit a friend. We can even fit your folding wheelchair into the boot if you need!

"The best thing about Beverley Community Lift is the kindliness and friendliness of the volunteer drivers. Their willingness to help is so appreciated. I depend on BCL – I couldn’t live my life without them."

To book a car lift, or to find out more, please call: 01482 868082

Minibus Service

We will take you to the supermarket or you can enjoy one of our outings. Or if you are a community group, we will take you wherever you wish to go. Our fleet of minibuses can help with wheelchair transport too and we can provide a passenger assistant for you if needed.

"Going out and about with BCL really lifts my spirits. If I’m feeling down - and living on your own is really very lonely - it’s nice to know there are friendly people on the minibus just like me and that the drivers are friendly too. The volunteers and drivers are charming and can be quite amusing!"

To book a minibus lift, or to find out more, please call: 01482 868082

Our Drivers

All our drivers are local volunteers. They are very caring and dedicated, and able to provide for individual needs.  They are DBS checked and fully trained, including MiDAS for minibus drivers.

"I know that I can rely on Beverley Community Lift and that gives me a real sense of peace of mind."

To volunteer as a driver, please call: 01482 868082

Our Sponsors

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