We are pleased to announce the appointment of Toby Jones as a Patron of Beverley Community Lift.

Actor Toby recently played the part of Captain Mainwaring in the film ‘Dad’s Army’, part of which was filmed in Beverley, and he is currently starring in the BBC One TV series ‘The Secret Agent’.

 He joins the charity at a time when it is experiencing increased demand for its services in providing a caring and supportive community transport service for people who cannot easily use other forms of transport, ie elderly, and disabled people, and those who are rurally isolated.

Speaking of his local links to the town of Beverley, and his appointment as Patron, Toby said: “I am very proud to be Patron of such a worthwhile and dynamic charity. Although my recent association with Beverley was related to filming DAD’S ARMY, my family has long standing roots in the town. My mother Jennifer and my late grandfather Reginald lived in and loved Beverley. I hope to help this wonderful charity continue its excellent work.”

CEO of Beverley Community Lift, Jan Stainforth, said: “We are absolutely delighted that Toby has accepted the role of Patron of our charity - we are great admirers of his work - he is such a talented actor! The fact that Toby can find time in his busy schedule to assist us is gratefully appreciated. He has agreed to lend his name to Beverley Community Lift to support us and help raise awareness of our charity’s services.”

Jan continued: “Toby joins us at a time when we are experiencing increasing demand for our services, especially in rural areas. We always need more volunteer car drivers and I would encourage anyone who is interested in helping us to help get elderly and disabled people out and about come and have a chat with us - the kettle’s always on!”

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