Leconfield Community Choir held a 24-hour Singathon on 8th July to help raise much-needed funds for local charity Beverley Community Lift.

Singers, choirs and young performers all came along to support the event, and provided a wonderful day (and night!) of songs.

Local choirs taking part included: St Mary's Church; Toll Gavel Methodist Church choir; St Michael's and All Angels Church, Cherry Burton choir; All For One choir; Leconfield Community choir, and HEY (Hull and East Yorkshire) hospital choir.

Over £1,300 was raised which will be put towards a replacement minibus for the charity.

Fiona Wales, a Trustee at Beverley Community Lift and one of the main singers at the event, said: "What an amazing experience the 24-hour Singathon turned out to be! Thank you so much to all of the phenomenal singers who gave up their time to support the charity Beverley Community Lift, especially those who joined us during the night!!

'Thank you to everyone who came along as part of the audience - I can't name them all as there would be hundreds - but thank you, thank you, thank you, it was the most fun ever.''




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